Federal Level
A distinctive feature of the remote sensing data application is the ability to ensure that public authorities have comprehensive information on the state of significant territories. Federal projects, whether the development of geographic information systems or monitoring, are based on spatial data, including information on all or some of the subjects of the Russian Federation at the same time. Most of these projects are implemented to support the tasks of the federal ministries and departments.
The most urgent tasks that can be solved by federal authorities with the help of remote sensing data are:
- monitoring environmental conditions and the state of infrastructure in priority regions (Arctic and the Far East);
- providing quality forecasting of emergencies, timely response and disaster management, as well as damage assessment;
- the implementation of the state sustainable nature management policy;
- inventory and accounting, maintenance of land registry, monitoring the legitimacy of use of certain areas (in agriculture, forestry and water management), monitoring compliance with federal laws and other regulations;
- updating or the creation of a single basic cartographic coverage of the Russian Federation and individual regions, consisting of current electronic maps of various scales, and their regular updating;
- the implementation of major infrastructure projects affecting several regions (e.g. the construction of highways, railways, pipelines, etc.).
Projects implemented by SCANEX in the interests of public customers include the creation of geoinformation systems and the thematic work for the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Emergency of the Russian Federation, Rosreestr (the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadaster and Cartography), Rosgidromet (the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Russia), Rosleskhoz (the Federal Forestry Agency), Roslesinforg (the Forestry Inventory Agency) and other federal agencies.