The remote sensing technology has been successfully applied in the fields of agricultural production, agricultural insurance and subsidies, and control of agricultural activity. The international experience demonstrates the high efficiency of satellite imagery when monitoring farmland. In Russia, which has a huge agricultural area and a wide variety of landscapes and agro-climatic conditions, the use of remote sensing data allows for objectives to be obtained and information on the use of land and crop conditions to be promptly updated.
The presence of debugged technologies for preliminary and thematic processing of data allows the user to provide not only raw data but also the results of their analysis in the form of cartographic products, statistics, and analytical reporting materials. All this disparate data can be combined into a single information system that is characterized by the possibility of organizing a distributed access and prompt information update. An example of such an information system is KosmoAgro service.
The use of remote sensing data in agricultural activities can perform a wide range of tasks:
- Conduct the inventory of agricultural land, update maps of fields, and obtain accurate data on areas of the agricultural land
- Identify and determine the position of unused land and land with non-target use
- Compare the actual data on the location of agricultural plots with the data from the State Real Estate Cadaster and the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions Therewith
- Evaluate the potential return of unused land to farming businesses
- Conduct the real-time monitoring of spring and winter crops
- Monitor the implementation of agro-technical measures, tillage, and harvesting
- Assess the effectiveness of measures for land reclamation and the use of reclaimed lands
- Identify and assess the adverse factors hindering agriculture, such as erosion, deflation, salinization, desertification, etc.
- Identify areas and assess the damage caused to agricultural production as a result of drought, the impact of pests, diseases, and other natural phenomena
- Assess the vegetation conditions and predict crop yields using long-term statistics and historical data
- Monitor the land productivity and production stability
- Monitor the status and location of the agricultural facilities
- Assess the prospects for the insurance of agricultural production
- Analyse insured events
- Assess the prospects of subsidies and loans
- Monitor the effectiveness of agricultural production by management companies
- Obtain reliable statistics on the agricultural production at regional and federal levels