Image of the Week: Serbia and the Danube River

14 September 2018
Image of the Week
The image received on September 1, 2018 from GeoEye-1 satellite shows the Danube River, to the north of which stretches the territory of the South Banat District of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, and to the south — the Podunavlje District of the Republic of Serbia. Also the eastern suburbs of Belgrade (Grocka municipality) can be seen on the image.

80% of the territory of Serbia is located on the Balkan Peninsula, 20% occupies the Danubian Flat. Plains prevail in the north of Serbia. Most of Serbia belongs to the Danube basin, which is 588 km long within the borders of the state.


The population of Serbia as a result of the census, held in October 2011, was more than 7 million people. Agriculture is an important part of the Serbian economy. Currently, a quarter of the population is engaged in the country's agriculture.


The official language of the country is Serbian in Cyrillic. 12 other languages ​​are also officially used on the regional and local levels equally.

This place on the map search.kosmosnimki.ru

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